Source code for liquorice.utils.BiasModel

from sklearn.experimental import enable_hist_gradient_boosting
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor, GradientBoostingRegressor, HistGradientBoostingRegressor
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score,mean_squared_error
from joblib import dump,load,parallel_backend
import pandas as pd
import logging
import typing
from typing import List,Union
import typing_extensions
import numpy as np
import sys

[docs]class SklearnStyleRegressor(typing_extensions.Protocol): """ Introduced here for typing purposes only. """
[docs] def fit(self,X,y,sample_weight=None): ...
[docs] def predict(self, X): ...
[docs] def score(self,X, y): ...
[docs] def set_params(self, X,y): ...
[docs]class BiasModel: """ An object that can be used to train a machine learning model that predicts coverage based on bias factors. The performance of the trained model can be tested, and it can be used to correct coverage values by regressing out the influence of the bias factors. :param training_df: `pandas.DataFrame` used for training (and optionally for performance assessment) of the model. Must contain the column *coverage* and all columns specified under **features**. Can be None if :func:`train_biasmodel` won't be called. Ignored in :func`train_biasmodel_2fold_CV_and_predict`. :param df_to_correct: `pandas.DataFrame` for which coverage should be corrected by the trained model. Must contain the column *coverage* and all columns specified under **features**. Can be None if :func:`get_table_with_corrected_coverage_using_trained_biasmodel` won't be called. :param biasmodel_path: Path to which the trained biasmodel should be saved to and/or loaded from. Must be a .joblib file. Can be None if :func:`get_table_with_corrected_coverage_using_trained_biasmodel` won't be called, in that case, no biasmodel will be saved. :param features: A list of bias factors that should be used as features for the machine learning model. Default "all" sets all bias-factors as features: forward,reverse, and max mappability, di/trinucleotide factors and GC-content. Bin size is not included by default, it can be added as a feature via `use_binsize_as_feature`. :param nr_of_bins_for_training_and_testing: Subset the training_df to this many bins. Can speed up the computation time, but using too few bins will make the model less precise. Can be None, then all bins will be used. :param sklearn_model: A regressor that implements to functions .fit() and .predict() (e.g. from `sklearn`). Default of None means using sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestRegressor with prior standard-scaling, and with default settings. :param n_jobs: How many jobs to run in parallel when training the model :param filename_performance_metrics: If **test_fraction** or **cross_validate_k** is set, save a .csv containing the performance metrics (r2, MSE) to this path. :param filename_feature_importances: If set, save a .csv file containing the feature importances inferred from the trained model to this path. :param use_binsize_as_feature: If True, include "bin size" as a feature for the model. """ # :param test_fraction: Use this fraction of bins in training_df to test model performance. This fraction of # bins will not be used to train the model and are only used for testing. Set to None to disable performance # metrics for training_df (unless **cross_validate_k** is set). # :param cross_validate_k: Perform a k-fold cross-validation instead of a simple train/test split to evaluate # model performance. The saved model will be trained on the full dataset. def __init__(self, training_df: Union[pd.DataFrame,None], df_to_correct: Union[pd.DataFrame,None], biasmodel_path: str = "trained_biasmodel.joblib", features: typing.Union[str, List[str]] = "all", nr_of_bins_for_training_and_testing: Union[int,None] = 10000, sklearn_model: Union[None,SklearnStyleRegressor] = None, #test_fraction: Union[None, float] = None, cross_validate_k: Union[None, int] = None, n_jobs: int = 1, filename_performance_metrics: typing.Union[None,str] = "biasmodel_performance_metrics.csv", filename_feature_importances: typing.Union[None,str] = None, #"biasmodel_feature_importances.csv" use_binsize_as_feature: bool = False) -> None: if training_df is None and df_to_correct is None: raise TypeError("training_df and df_to_correct cannot both be None.") self.training_df=training_df if training_df is not None: nr_rows_with_na=self.training_df.shape[0] self.training_df=self.training_df.dropna() if self.training_df.shape[0]<nr_rows_with_na: logging.warning(f"Training dataset contained {nr_rows_with_na-self.training_df.shape[0]} rows with" f" empty values, these were discarded.") self.df_to_correct=df_to_correct if df_to_correct is not None: nr_rows_with_na=self.df_to_correct.shape[0] self.df_to_correct=self.df_to_correct.dropna() if self.df_to_correct.shape[0]<nr_rows_with_na: logging.warning(f"Dataset that should be corrected contained " f"{nr_rows_with_na-self.df_to_correct.shape[0]}" f" rows with empty values, these were discarded.") self.biasmodel_path=biasmodel_path if self.biasmodel_path is not None and not self.biasmodel_path.endswith(".joblib"): raise TypeError("biasmodel_path must have a .joblib extension.") self.features=features self.use_binsize_as_feature=use_binsize_as_feature if type(self.features)==str and self.features=="all": df_for_feature_extraction=training_df if training_df is not None else df_to_correct drop_from_features=["chromosome","start","end","bin nr.","sequence","mappability","coverage", "CNA-uncorrected coverage","corrected coverage"]+\ (["bin size"] if not self.use_binsize_as_feature else []) self.features=[x for x in df_for_feature_extraction.columns if not x in drop_from_features] elif not type(self.features)==list: raise TypeError("Please specify either the string 'all' or a list of features as parameter 'features'.") self.nr_of_bins_for_training_and_testing=nr_of_bins_for_training_and_testing # self.test_fraction=test_fraction # self.cross_validate_k=cross_validate_k self.n_jobs=n_jobs self.filename_performance_metrics=filename_performance_metrics self.filename_feature_importances=filename_feature_importances if sklearn_model is None: self.sklearn_model=HistGradientBoostingRegressor( random_state=42,learning_rate= 0.1,max_iter=54, min_samples_leaf=10, max_depth=10,early_stopping=False) else: self.sklearn_model=sklearn_model self.y = "coverage"
[docs] def train_biasmodel(self) -> None: """ Train a machine learning model that predicts the values of the 'coverage' column based on the given features. If :attr:`.test_fraction` is set, this fraction of the :attr:`.training_df` is set aside to evaluate R^2 and MSE of the model. Prior to training and a potential train/test split, the :attr:`.training_df` is subsetted to :attr:`nr_of_bins_for_training_and_testing` if it is not *None*. Writes writes a *.joblib* file containing the biasmodel to :attr:`.biasmodel_path` (unless it is `None`) """"Training a bias model ...")"Using features: {self.features}") df=self.training_df[[self.y]+self.features] if self.nr_of_bins_for_training_and_testing is None: self.nr_of_bins_for_training_and_testing=df.shape[0] df=df.sample(n=self.nr_of_bins_for_training_and_testing,random_state=42) # if self.test_fraction: # test_df=df.iloc[:int(df.shape[0]*self.test_fraction)] # training_df=df.iloc[int(df.shape[0]*self.test_fraction):] # else: # training_df=df training_df=df with parallel_backend('threading', n_jobs=min([self.n_jobs,10])):[self.features],training_df[self.y]) if self.biasmodel_path is not None: dump(self.sklearn_model, self.biasmodel_path) # if self.cross_validate_k: # scores = cross_validate(estimator=self.sklearn_model, # X=training_df[self.features], # y=training_df[self.y], # scoring=["r2","neg_mean_squared_error"], # cv=self.cross_validate_k, # n_jobs=self.n_jobs) # if self.filename_performance_metrics: # score_df=pd.DataFrame({"r2":scores["test_r2"],"MSE":-scores["test_neg_mean_squared_error"]})[[ # "r2","MSE"]].transpose() # score_df["mean"]=score_df.mean(axis=1) # score_df["median"]=score_df.median(axis=1) # score_df["std"]=score_df.std(axis=1) # score_df["n bins training"]=int(training_df.shape[0]*(1-1/self.cross_validate_k)) # score_df.columns=["fold "+str(k) for k in range(self.cross_validate_k)]+\ # list(score_df.columns[self.cross_validate_k:]) # score_df.to_csv(self.filename_performance_metrics) # # if self.test_fraction: # y_pred=self.sklearn_model.predict(test_df[self.features]) # y_true=test_df[self.y] # # r2=r2_score(y_true,y_pred) #"R^2 for test dataset: {r2}") # mse=mean_squared_error(y_true,y_pred) #"MSE for test dataset: {mse}") # if self.filename_performance_metrics: # with open(self.filename_performance_metrics, "w") as outfile: # print(f"r2,MSE\n{r2},{mse}",end="",file=outfile) if self.filename_feature_importances: try: feature_importances=pd.Series({key:value for key,value in zip( self.features,self.sklearn_model.feature_importances_)}).sort_values(ascending=False)"Feature importance" feature_importances.to_csv(self.filename_feature_importances) except AttributeError: try: # input may be a pipeline - try this feature_importances=pd.Series({key:value for key,value in zip( self.features,self.sklearn_model[-1][1].feature_importances_)}).sort_values(ascending=False)"Feature importance" feature_importances.to_csv(self.filename_feature_importances) except: logging.warning("Feature importance file could not be written. Maybe the passed model has no " "attribute '.feature_importances_'?")
[docs] def get_table_with_corrected_coverage_using_trained_biasmodel(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Predicts coverage based on :attr:`.features` in the DataFrame :attr:`df_to_correct` and the biasmodel under :attr:`.biasmodel_path`. Subtracts this prediction from the observed coverage to regress out the effect of the bias-factors (i.e. :attr:`.features`) on the coverage. :return: Returns :attr:`df_to_correct` with an additional column "corrected coverage". """"Correcting using trained bias model ...") trained_model = load(self.biasmodel_path) if trained_model._n_features==len(self.features): df=self.df_to_correct[self.features] else: features_without_binsize=[feature for feature in self.features if not feature == "bin size"] if trained_model._n_features==len(features_without_binsize): df=self.df_to_correct[features_without_binsize]"Bin size was omitted as a feature for coverage prediction, as the provided bias-model has" " been trained without this feature.") else: sys.exit("Features do not agree between the provided pre-trained bias model and the current run. " "Please use a bias-model that has been trained with comparable settings. " "Maybe the bias-model has been generated without the --all_bins_same_size setting, " "and the current run of LIQUORICE was started with the --all_bins_same_size setting?") y_pred = trained_model.predict(df) y_corr = self.df_to_correct[self.y] - y_pred self.df_to_correct["corrected coverage"]=y_corr r2=r2_score(self.df_to_correct[self.y],y_pred)"R^2 for dataset to be corrected: {r2}") mse=mean_squared_error(self.df_to_correct[self.y],y_pred)"MSE for dataset to be corrected: {mse}") if self.filename_performance_metrics: with open(self.filename_performance_metrics, "w") as outf: print("R^2\tMSE",file=outf) print(f"{r2}\t{mse}",file=outf) return self.df_to_correct
[docs] def train_biasmodel_2fold_CV_and_predict(self,exclude_these_bin_nrs:List[int] =[]) -> None: """ Train a machine learning model that predicts the values of the 'coverage' column based on the given features. Will use each half of the :attr:`df_to_correct` to train the model for predictions of the other half. Ignores :attr:`nr_of_bins_for_training_and_testing`, :attr:`cross_validate_k` and writes returns the performance metrics and returns the dataframe with predictions. Important: does not use :attr`training_df`. """"Using CVs to train biasmodel and predict...")"Excluding from training the following bins: {exclude_these_bin_nrs}")"Using features: {self.features}") df_first_half=self.df_to_correct.iloc[:int(self.df_to_correct.shape[0]/2)] train_df_first_half=df_first_half[~ df_first_half["bin nr."].isin(exclude_these_bin_nrs)] df_second_half=self.df_to_correct.iloc[int(self.df_to_correct.shape[0]/2):] train_df_second_half=df_second_half[~ df_second_half["bin nr."].isin(exclude_these_bin_nrs)] with parallel_backend('threading', n_jobs=min([10,self.n_jobs])):[self.features], train_df_second_half[self.y]) y_pred=self.sklearn_model.predict(df_first_half[self.features])"Training-set R^2 for the first cross validation fold: {r2_score(df_second_half[self.y],self.sklearn_model.predict(df_second_half[self.features]))}")"Out-of-sample R^2 for the first cross validation fold: {r2_score(df_first_half[self.y],y_pred)}") with parallel_backend('threading', n_jobs=min([10,self.n_jobs])):[self.features], train_df_first_half[self.y]) y_pred_second_half=self.sklearn_model.predict(df_second_half[self.features])"Training-set R^2 for the second cross validation fold: {r2_score(df_first_half[self.y],self.sklearn_model.predict(df_first_half[self.features]))}")"Out-of-sample R^2 for the second cross validation fold: {r2_score(df_second_half[self.y],y_pred_second_half)}") y_pred=np.append(y_pred,y_pred_second_half) y_corr = self.df_to_correct[self.y] - y_pred # use .assign to avoid settingWithCopyWarning self.df_to_correct=self.df_to_correct.assign(**{"corrected coverage":y_corr.values}) r2=r2_score(self.df_to_correct[self.y],y_pred)"Cross-validated R^2 overall: {r2}") mse=mean_squared_error(self.df_to_correct[self.y],y_pred)"Cross-validated MSE overall: {mse}") if self.filename_performance_metrics: with open(self.filename_performance_metrics, "w") as outf: print("R^2\tMSE",file=outf) print(f"{r2}\t{mse}",file=outf) return self.df_to_correct